:: BASE_DOC :: ## API ### Button Props name | type | default | description | required -- | -- | -- | -- | -- block | Boolean | false | make button to be a block-level element | N content | String / Slot | - | button's children elements | N custom-dataset | Object | - | Typescript:`any` | N custom-style `v0.25.0` | String | - | \- | N disabled | Boolean | false | disable the button, make it can not be clicked | N external-classes | Array | - | `['t-class', 't-class-icon', 't-class-loading']` | N ghost | Boolean | false | make background-color to be transparent | N icon | String | - | icon name | N icon-props | Object | {} | icon properties | N loading | Boolean | false | set button to be loading state | N loading-props | Object | - | Typescript:`LoadingProps`,[Loading API Documents](./loading?tab=api)。[see more ts definition](https://github.com/Tencent/tdesign-miniprogram/tree/develop/src/button/type.ts) | N shape | String | rectangle | button shape。options:rectangle/square/round/circle | N size | String | medium | a button has three size。options:small/medium/large。Typescript:`SizeEnum` | N theme | String | default | button theme。options:default/primary/danger | N type | String | - | type of button element, same as formType of Miniprogram。options:submit/reset | N variant | String | base | button variant。options:base/outline/text | N open-type | String | - | options:contact/share/getPhoneNumber/getUserInfo/launchApp/openSetting/feedback/chooseAvatar | N hover-stop-propagation | Boolean | false | \- | N hover-start-time | Number | 20 | \- | N hover-stay-time | Number | 70 | \- | N lang | String | en | options:en/zh_CN/zh_TW | N session-from | String | - | \- | N send-message-title | String | 当前标题 | \- | N send-message-path | String | 当前分享路径 | \- | N send-message-img | String | 截图 | \- | N app-parameter | String | - | \- | N show-message-card | Boolean | false | \- | N bindgetuserinfo | Eventhandle | - | \- | N bindcontact | Eventhandle | - | \- | N bindgetphonenumber | Eventhandle | - | \- | N binderror | Eventhandle | - | \- | N bindopensetting | Eventhandle | - | \- | N bindlaunchapp | Eventhandle | - | \- | N bindchooseavatar | Eventhandle | - | \- | N ### Button Events name | params | description -- | -- | -- tap | `event` | \-